Monday, January 30, 2012

Notes on Crusades

The Seljuq Turks, a Muslim people from Central Asia, took control of Palestine, the Holy Land. They also attacked part of the Byzantine Empire.  The emperor called on Pope Urban II  in Rome for help. Urban wanted to regain the Holy Land from the Turks. In 1905 he called a meeting. He asked the lords to stop fighting and to join in a great war to win back the Holy Land.
So the Crusades began. At least 10,000 Europeans took up the cause. They sewed a cross of cloth on their clothes and were called crusaders. (The latin word cruciata means "marked with a cross") Crusaders - some went to save their souls (They believed that if they died in war, they would go to Heaven immediately), some went to gain land and wealth in Palestine, some saw a chance to make money.

The first Crusade lasted from 1096 to 1099. After much discussion with the emperor of Constantinople, the crusaders passed through. They marched in their wool and leather garments. They suffered from heat and they lacked enough food and water because they had few pack animals to carry supplies. The Turks were quarreling among themselves and disunited, thus preventing the crusaders from surrounding the city. After a series of vicious battles, the crusaders captured Jerusalem. They slaughtered the Muslim and Jewish inhabitants. The crusaders' capture of Jerusalem brought much of the Holy Land under European control. They set up four small states and introduced feudalism and subdivided the land into fiefs with lords and vassals. The Christians and Muslims lived along each other and grew respect for each other.

The second crusade - began in 1147. King Louis VII of France and German king Conrad III led separate armies across Europe. At the city of Damascus, the two armies joined forces. The combined forces failed to recapture the city. The Turks held. In 1149 the crusaders returned to Europe in disgrace.

The third crusade - In 1187 the Muslim leader Saladin gained control of Jerusalem. Three European rulers ---Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, King Philip II of France, and King Richard I of England ---then led separate armies in the third crusade. the crusade lasted from 1189 to 1192. It, too, failed. When Barbarossa drowned on the way to the Holy Land, his army turned back. Philip and Richard quarreled, and Philip took his army back home. Through the truce, the crusaders received control of some towns along the Palestinian coast. It allowed Christians to enter Jerusalem freely.

The fourth crusade - Pope Innocent III gathered a group of French knights for  the fourth crusade. In 1202 they left on ships provided by the Italina city-state of Venice. The Venetians persuaged the crusaders to attack Zadar ---a trade rival to Venice ---as they moved down the Adriatic coast. Then in 1204 the crusaders attacked and looted Constantinople, another Christian city. Turks siezed Constantinople in 1453.

Other crusades - In 1212 the short-lived and unfortunate children's crusade took place. Young people from across Europe decided to march to the HOly Land and regain it for Christian Europe. They lacked adequate training. The pope sent some of them back home. Others crusaders later tried to recapture the Holy Land. The crusades continued until 1291, when the Muslims captured the city of Acre. It was the last Christian stronghold in the Holy Land and with its fall, the Crusades ended.

Results - The Muslims regained control of Palestine. In Europe, the Crusades helped bring about many changes - Weapons and warfare, political changes, and ideas and trade.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I know that sometimes I take advantage of my voice. We don't realize how easy it is to say something. I found the activity challenging. I can contain myself, because I'm often quiet, but I had some things occasionally that I wanted to say. This activity was fun and interesting, though. If I took the vow of silence for a whole day, it would be even more challenging. If you tried to get your point across to someone, and they didn't understand you, then it might get irritating. I've attempted going a whole day without talking, so I know what it can be like. I've learned not to take my voice for granted. We don’t try very hard to get our points across because it isn’t. We say things that are mean because there are so many words to say. I think that if we had a limit on what we would say, then we would be careful to choose our words. You don’t want any of them to go to waste. I think that we should be very mindful of what we say. This activity helped me realize that I want to say good and pleasant things, because I still have the words to do so. Some skills that you may need would be the skill to sign well. If others could sign back, it would be fine, but if not, then it would be tough. You could write people notes to show them what you mean to say. If you can mouth words well, then that would be another necessary skill to have.

1. People bathed once a month.
2. People wore the same clothes day after day, they only had one outfit.
3. They used lavender flowers and mint in the water for cleaning. These were used to keep the fleas away because they had a lot of animals and straw in their houses.

1. The word chairman comes from the Middle Ages where a house only had one chair, for the exclusive use of the man of the family.

1. At night time people would pile onto a mattress, alump of straw on the floor. The whole family slept in the same bed. If an animal was friendly they may sleep in the bed to keep you warm of course.

1. Troubadours traveled from town to town singing for their supper.
2. His songs were often about love or the glory of kings.
3. Troubadours would strum a lute.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Anglo and Saxans combined to form England.Shires collect taxes.
Alfed the Great was the first anglo-saxan king.
Edward the confessor was the last.
     When Edward died, there was war because he didn't have an heir. Two people were in line. Harold Godwinson was his brother-in-law. William, the duke of Normandy, was Edward's cousin, but he was from France. This was the top of 100 wars of the world, battle of Hastings. William won. He was nicknamed William the conqueror. When William took the throne, he wanted to take quick action. He was the first to collect a census since the roman times. The census would come to your house and count everyone, including animals. This determined the amount of tax that they had of you. All this info was put into the Dombs Days book. This is important because it was like our tax day. They nicknamed it the Doom's Day book. William died, and was seceded by Henry l. He didn't do anything. Henry ll replaced him when he died. Henry ll grew up dreaming of changing what his father had done. He had the policy that the clergy man should be accountable under the law. His best friend, Thomas Beckette, the archbishop of Canterbury, disagreed. He was so angry, and he went to confront Henry.   
     Things boiled over and both were extremely angry. Henry is so mad that he says to himself that he wishes that Thomas was dead. Three knights were eavesdropping. They followed Thomas to Canterbury and stabbed him to death at the alter of the church.
     John, Henry's son, seceded Henry. John is fiesty. If he gets mad, he goes to war. He taxes the people of England (87%)  so he can pay to go to war. The people of England were fed up. They met at Runnymead. They came up with the Magna Carta, the greatest document in history. It is Latin for "great charter". John was forced to sign. It was the basis for our constitution.
     The kings power was so great, and that's why the Magna Carta was created. It listed church freedom and the limit that you would not tax greatly without reason. If the king ever took over too much again, they would kill him. He was forced to sign.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


The first thing that fascinates me about Sweden is the Ice Hotel. Another place that I would like to see is the Bohus Fortress. This place is a medieval castle. It is overgrown, but still stands, even after it was seriously damaged in the 1500's. I would also like to go to Gothenburg.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Notes on pop-up books

Lindsey - Bosnia
Servian is the language of Bosnia.
Bosnia has a rich literary system.
Stories are based on religion and morals.
Bosnia is a democracy.
Toys in Bosnia are made to be extremely simple.
Shania - Peru
Lima is the capital city.
The children play with marbles and coins.
Rice, potatoes, and fish are some common ingredients in their dishes.
The main parts of education are intitial, primary, and secondary.
The age to start school is 3.
Faith - Brazil
They speak Portuguese.
Brazil is the only country in South America that doesn't speak Spanish.
Kids is Brazil like to jump rope and play checkers.
Root vegetables and fruits are the main ingredients of their dishes.
School runs from February to December.
Caleb - Zimbabwe
1,311,443 is their population.
The kids play a game called "Burger" that teaches them to be like adults.
Independence day is April 18.
The national food is Salsa.
Christianity was introduced to them in the 1500's.
Mark - Greece
The language, Greek, is spoken by 99 percent of the population.
Asop was a famous writer from Greece.
They have a prime minister.
A popular dish is lamb and potatoes.
The elves in Greece during Christmas time are little creatures that prey upon little children.
John - Spain
The capital city is Madrid.
They speak Spanish.
Most kids play video games and sports such as soccer.
They have a variety of beans that they eat.
Their government is a Constitutional Monarchy.
Haley - Switzerland
The capital is Bernie.
They speak Swedish.
Rag dolls are common toys.
Meatballs are a very common food in Switzerland.
Most festivals are celebrated with fireworks.
Samantha - Morocco
They speak Arabic.
Their alphabet has 28 letters that are all consonents.
Literature focuses on songs.
High school is only 3 years.
Lamb and fish are a replacement for beef.
Madori - Germany
Eric Castle is a famous author.
Soup is a popular dish.
Germany education depends on the the state that you live in.
Other languages that they speak are Turkish and Polish.
A famous toy is the thumb toy.
Krista - Barbados
The native language is English.
Literature focuses on nonfiction and inspiration.
Most children's books are taken from those of America.
Sand is a joy to the children there.
Barbados has a Parliamentary Democracy.
Kristen - Japan
Japan is one of the best educated populations.
A common toy is a kite.
Sushi is a traditional food.
It is disrespectful to not eat your sushi.
A garden is traditional
Taylor - Fiji
"Faces in the Village" is a famous poem.
A traditional food is the scone.
It is respectful to take off your hat while in a village and to take off your shoes before entering a house.
School is very expensive.
There are 150 secondary schools.
Raychel - Italy
Rome is the Capital city.
Leonardo Davinci was a famous painter from Italy.
A famous Italian book is Cinderelli.
Italian toys are similar to ours such as a toy cars.
Peppers are one of the popular ingredients.
Karlie - Egypt
81,121,077 is the population.
Omar Toher is a popular novelist.
Scrabble and other board games are common toys.
Egypt invented the top.
Guests give presents to host during parties.
Paige - Argentina
Young children play a lot of sports, mostly soccer.
Their government is a republic.
Lunch is the biggest meal of the day.
El Carnival de Pios is their "Mardi Gras."
Education is free to everyone.
Katara - France
Victor Hugo is a famous author.
"Are you sleeping?" is a nursery rhyme.
There are toy libraries.
Their government is a republic.
Dinner has four courses.
Gunnar - Thailand
It was a Monarchy until 1932, but a king is still present.
They have one of the largest armies in the world.
In 1949, the name was changed back to Thailand.
The have one of the highest literacy rates in the world.
66,720,000 is their population.
Dale - Panama
Panama City is the capital.
Most of the people are Roman Catholic.
Babar is a famous children's book.
The government is a Constitutional Republic.
The Panama Canal is a tourist attraction.
Courtney - Scotland
They speak English.
David Russel is a famous Scottish guitarist.
They visit parks for entertainment.
Banics are flatcakes that are made of oatmeal.
Their education ends after the age of 16.
Josh - UK
London is the capital city.
English is the most common language.
J.K. Rowling is a famous author.
Baseball, golf, and bowling is combined into their popular sport.
They have a Monarchy.
Viola - Ireland
Dublin is the capital city.
Before Irish literature, Ongham was used.
Children play games such as Mr. Fox.
Mary Robinson was a political leader.
Most meals are made with veggies, meat, and fish.
Gabby - Bolivia
10,118,683 is the population.
Spanish along with 30 other languages are used.
The beast is a common novel.
Humpty Dumpty is a famous nursery rhyme.
The games they play are based on education.
Abby - Madagascar
They eat rice at every meal.
Jean Joseph is a famous author.
Poetry is very common.
The children play board games, tag, and they swim.
Their government is a Republic.
Chase - Venezuela
The capital is Caracas.
Jose Balsa is a famous author.
Marbles are traditional stairs.
Their government is a Federal Republic.
April 19 is the Declaration of Independence Day.
Sara - Sweden
Fish is a big part of their cuisine.
Peter Paul is a famous author.
Kids go to school from age 7 to 16.
Kids play with marbles and dolls.
The Ice Hotel is a popular tourist attraction.
Kelsea - El Salvador
The capital is San Salvador.
They speak Spanish.
Poetry is the most common form of literature.
Children play with the same toys are the U.S.
Traditional food usually contains corn.